I have yet to achieve my much-desired break thru and get a job offer from them, but I will keep applying and trying until I do! :) Here's a summary what I've learned during my experiences with the Microsoft interviewing process:
- Be patient! The recruiters are dealing with hundreds of applicants each day, plus scheduling, and who-knows-what-else
- Never think you "know it all" - You don't. Expect to be humbled in some way during each interview and by each interviewer.
- Relax! The interview is not a life-or-death thing. If you are nervous, it's going to come out in the interview when you can't remember simple things, or forget details, or who knows what else.
- Think out-loud. I can't emphasize that enough. If you think out-loud, the interviewer(s) gets an idea of how you think/troubleshoot/process and could help nudge you in the right direction if you're almost there but are stuck. If you sit in silence while you think, it's pretty much a given that you're doomed.
- It's ok to say "I don't know". If you try to make something up, you'll get called on it. This ties in with the previous point - think out-loud. If you don't know something when the question is asked, think out-loud about it, and if you just can't get figure it out, tell the interviewer(s) - I don't know.
- Make it a point to say, "When we're done, I'm going to go learn about [x, y, z]". It shows that you want to learn and improve.
- Research the role you are applying for, and have plenty of questions prepared ahead of time to ask
- Refresh your knowledge of the basics for whatever technology you are dealing with
- Ask for feedback after every step in the process. Take that feedback and dive into anything they say you are weak in or need work on
- Most important piece of advice - Have fun! It's a great experience, and you'll talk with some extremely bright people along the way.